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IIJS Exhibition Jewellery Bags

Stand Out of the crowd at IIJS with “Jewellery Exhibitions Bags” from Parshwa Padmavati Industries. Parshwa Padmavati Industries is the leading manufacturer of all types of Jewellery Bags, Keeping in mind the India International Jewellery Show (IIJS), Parshwa Padmavati Industries has developed a special set of “ Jewellery Exhibition Bags” which are specially developed for IIJS show.

IIJS Exhibition Jewellery Bags

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IIJS Exhibition Jewellery Bags

Our “Jewellery Exhibition Bags “can be customized as per your requirement. You can customized it as per the size, thickness, base colours, printing colours etc. required by you. -Get the best of the bags with unmatched print quality & crisp sharp results developed to by one of the leading Jewellery bags manufacturers in India.

To know more about our “IIJS Special Jewellery Exhibition bags, feel free to contact us on +91 9321177663 or you can write to us at info@ppinds.in .

Benefit of developing bags for IIJS Exhibition:-

1. Get in front of your Target Audience.

2. Grab eyeballs.

3. Brand Recognition & Enhancement.

4. Ease of carrying sample & other give aways at Exhibitions for your visitors.

5. Prolong use of Bags after Exhibitions

Salient Features of Our “IIJS Exhibitions Jewellery Bags”

1. Bags Customized as per your requirement .Select size, colours, thickness, material colours & printing colours while suits your Brand

2. Easy to carry

3. Capacity to carry good amount of weight

4. Eco-Friendly Material & Most importantly, a pleasant “PPI” touch for getting your jewellery exhibition bags done with ease and timely deleveries.